Our Organization

Horses in the Hood provides horseback riding camp as a way for at-risk youth to learn new skills by learning to ride and care for horses. The experience teaches patience, new skills and confidence among the participants who might otherwise have trouble envisioning a positive future.
We are privileged to serve programs that have a long and deep track record of contributions to the growth, education and well-being of young people in the Los Angeles area.
years in service
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What others are saying

"Having a place to ride and learn about these wonderful creatures is an asset to any community, not just low-income areas. Children need a place where they can feel safe and have fun without worrying about their surrounding environment."

"Programs like this make a difference in people's lives. Thank you Kathy Kusner and all of your supporters for making this program happen."

"When our clients family members cheer with delight as they watch their children showcase their skills. Horses in the Hood not only empowers our clients, but Horses in the Hood also brings our clients and families together and I believe there is no better outcome."
founder's MESSAGE
Horses in the Hood came to be because I wanted to do something for others who also loved horses. The wonderful organizations we work with select young people they believe would benefit from the opportunity to attend a week’s horse camp, where they are introduced to the pleasures and challenges of riding and caring for horses.
This has been a JOY!
Contact us today
We work with many camp organizations to develop outreach activities and programs with community groups, including neighborhood schools, churches, and recreational centers. Contact us to learn how to apply or donate.